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He who has the Tao cannot speak

I once work for the largest  in USA  privately held  no burning desire to maximize short term   quarterly   profits  building products company whose executive management did a reasonably good job of keeping workers employ during lean times  no furloughs  and contributing a reasonable pot for profit sharing in good times. I must say the majority of workers  trust  the company.

Our free society needs both

The management and the workers in its current production processes. Trust may  explain as a function of quality  reasonable or unreasonable  of demands  decisions  expectations  their communication and other variables already explain in this forum. Social Kuwait WhatsApp Number Data class  like minds fellows  I assume  tend to think alike  and ethical moral responsibility of the management and workers can  add to this function as covariates. DONALD SHAW PRESIDENT  DONALD E. SHAW  P.E. Trust is a combination of character and knowlge. It seems that trust starts with honesty  honesty about what you know and don t know. Neither seems to  prevalent in our narcissistic age.

Whatsapp Data

It seems to me that it has a great

Deal to do with something said by Lao. I Tse many centuries ago    it. He who speaks it does not have it.  Susan Cain s book  Quiet  The Power of Introverts in a . IWorld that Cannot Stop Talking says a lot since most of that talking is about the self. Just consult Estonia Phone Number List Facebook and its cousins if anyone is in doubt. Our culture seems to hold up dishonesty as the road to success then question why trust is so hard to obtain. RICK PRESIDENT  HBIZDR . ITrust  and all its component  values  reflect both the culture where  trust  is ing studi as well as what is reward getting repeat.

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