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GMTCI could come the center of expertise

Purchase this case hbr search PDF ENG SecondMarket Providing . ILiquidity for Shareholders of Privately Held iContact William A. Sahlman Ramana Case Prabjot Nanua was proud of the growing capabilities of the General Motors. I Technical Center Nanda and James McQuade Harvard Business School Case In SecondMarket was an online platform that facilitat secondary transactions of illiquid assets including private company stock.

This case explores reasons

The decline in small cap IPOs in the Unit States from. I the s to the s and how the emergence of SecondMarket provid liquidity to privately held companies like iContact an email and social marketing software as a service SaaS company. Purchase . Ithis case hbr search PDF ENG General Motors Technical Center India Powertrain Engineering Willy Shih William Philippines Phone Number List Jurist Brian McIntosh and Helen Wang Harvard Business . ISchool India Powertrain Engineering group that he oversaw. Since engineers there had expand the center . Is capabilities developing a reputation within GM for completing high quality design and analysis projects for other.

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Technical Centers at a substantially

In areas such as tolerance stacking analysis GMTCI Powertrain. I was now the only location in GM worldwide that perform this type of work. Nanua thought about the next stage of development for the center. Should they go deep and . Ifocus on more areas Nigeria Phone Number of technical competency where the center had develop a competitive advantage for a narrower set of methods and capabilities like they had done in tolerance stacking. Or should they go broad and . Icontinue to lobby headquarters for more complex assignments that might ultimately lead to program ownership for an entire vehicle Each scenario had different implications for how . IGMTCI fit within the network of Technical Centers and corporate GM.

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