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This time  managers attending another

Collaborating Across Cultures The team then surveyed up . Ito former coworkers of each manager  whose cultural background was different from . Ithe manager s  asking how they rated the manager s effectiveness in creative collaborations. Managers with higher cultural metacognition scores on. I the questionnaires garnered higher ratings from their colleagues as well.

While such a result may seem expected

The bigger question is  how does cultural awareness lead to more effective innovation  Based on previous studies  the researchers focused on the role of trust in that equation  distinguishing between two kinds   cognitive trust   an intellectual appreciation Germany Mobile Database of another person s skills  abilities  and reliability  and  affective trust   an emotional belief that another person has one s best interests at heart.  Affective trust is especially critical in creative collaboration because unlike collaboration that merely involves the sharing of labor  creative collaboration requires sharing of new ideas   Chua says.  Given that new ideas are often undeveloped  they are risky to share   he continues.  Sharing a bad idea might cause one to be ridiculed. Conversely  a good idea might be stolen. Only when there is high affective trust would two partners be willing to freely exchange new ideas.

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In their second study  the researchers

Found that affective trust was much more likely to stem from having high cultural metacognition than cognitive trust. executive MBA course were asked to Croatia Phone Number complete a network survey listing up to of their primary professional contacts and asked the extent to which they were able to rely on them professionally  cognitive trust  and the extent to which they were able to share their personal hopes  dreams  and difficulties  affective trust . Next  they were asked to rate how willing they were to share new ideas with each person.

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