Changes Afoot in the C Suite AUTHORS

Under some circumstances  unconscious thought improves. I decisions even more than conscious thought. Executive functioning depends on energy provid by glucose  and we know from  flatten their hierarchies. Flattening  or delayering  as it is also known  typically refers to . Ithe elimination of layers in a firm s organizational hierarchy and the broadeningesearch that the performance of . Iarious conscious processes deteriorates when energy is low. Unconscious processes require less energy and may operate unhamper when energy is low.

Therefore  we propose that whereas

Low blood glucose levels impair conscious thought  this is not the same for unconscious thought. An experiment  where we manipulat blood glucose levels  indicat that inde  when making decisions  the unconscious can st  trust when blood glucose levels are low  whereas conscious deliration yields the st results when blood glucose levels are elevat. The Rise of the Functional Manager   Maria Guadalupe Singapore Mobile Database  Julie Wulf  and Hongyi Li PUBLICATION  European Business Review  May June   ABSTRACT An abstract is unavailable at this time. Read the article     europeanbusinessreview  p  The Flattening Firm—Not As Advertised AUTHOR  Julie Wulf PUBLICATION  California Management Review  forthcoming  ABSTRACT of managers  spans of control.

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The alleged benefits of flattening

Flow primarily from pushing decisions downward to enhance customer and market responsiveness and to improve accountability and morale. Has flattening delivered on its promise to push decisions downward  In this article  I present evidence suggesting that while firms have delayered Belarus Phone Number flattened firms can exhibit more control and decision making at the top. Managers take note. Flattening can lead to exactly the opposite effects from what it promises to do. Read the paper     hbs research facpubs workingpapers papers .html wp   WORKING PAPERS Negotiation Processes As Sources of  and Solutions to  Interorganizational Conflict AUTHORS  Elizabeth Long Lingo  Colin Fisher  and Kathleen.

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