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First there is substantial variation in the numr of hours CEOs devote to work activities and longer working hours are associat with higher firm productivity growth profitability and CEO pay. Second family CEOs record fewer working hours relative to professional CEOs.

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A more pronounc in low competition environments and does not seem to  explain by measurement error. Third difference in differences estimates with respect to the cost of effort due to weather shocks and popular sport events reveal that the observ Russia WhatsApp Number List difference tween family and professional CEOs is consistent with heterogeneous preferences for work versus leisure. Evidence from six other countries reveals similar findings in economies at different stages of development. Paper Information Full Working Paper Text Working Paper Publication Date Decemr HBS Working Paper Numr Faculty Unit s Strategy TRENDING FEB HBS CASE YOND  FOR MOBILIZING STAR TALENT JAN OP  WHY BOEING’S PROBLEMS.

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