Download working paper ssrn abstract Strategy and the Strategist How It Matters Who Develops the Strategy By Van den Steen Eric ABSTRACT—This paper studies how strategy formally defin as the smallest set of core choices to optimally guide the other choices relates to the strategist for example whether an optimal strategy should depend on who is CEO.
The paper first studies
Why different people may systematically consider different decisions strategic with marketing people developing a marketing centric strategy and favoring the marketing side of business and derives two rational mechanisms for this outcome one confidence bas and the other implementation bas. It then studies why it matters that it is the rather than Bolivia WhatsApp Number List an outsider who formulate the strategy and shows that outsider strategists often face a tradeoff tween the quality of a strategy and its likelihood of implementation whereas the CEO s involvement helps implementation cause it generates commitment thus linking strategy formulation and implementation. In some sense the paper explains why strategy is the quintessential responsibility of the CEO. Moreover it shows that the optimal strategy should depend on who is CEO.
It then turns that question around
Studies strategy as a tool for exerting leadership asking when the set of strategic decisions are exactly the decisions a CEO should control to give effective Qatar Phone Number List guidance. It finally shows how a CEO s vision in the sense of a strong lief about strategic decisions makes it more likely that the CEO will propose a strategy and that this strategy will implement. But strong vision about the wrong decisions such as subordinate or others decisions may detrimental to strategy and its implementation.