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Supreme Court s ruling as vindication

Yet on one critical dimension—how physicians and hospitals deliver healthcare—this otherwise landmark decision will likely have little effect. This is not to suggest that the ACA itself was inconsequential. To the contrary the law offer additional momentum to a series of emergent trends among physicians and hospitals.

A For example the law formalize

The growing recognition that providers must work together to manage both the cost and quality of care rather than continue to battle with each other for Canada Number Data payments bas largely on the numr of patient visits or procures perform. The law also encourag at least indirectly efforts to broaden the use of electronic mical records to help manage the cost and quality of care deliver. The pending full implementation of the ACA in meant that providers could not wait for the Supreme Court s decision fore ginning to act on the above initiatives. As they mov forward with their planning it came clear that they would pursue these neficial reforms regardless of the ACA s fate.

Phone Number Data

Interestingly this same sense of

Inevitability was express recently by many of the country s largest healthcare insurers who stat well fore the Court s decision that they would maintain many Peru Phone Number provisions of the ACA even if the law were struck down. Although I expect the ruling to have relatively little impact on the course already ing chart by providers I realize that the hard work for physicians and hospitals is nowhere near complete. In my own state of Massachusetts many tout the  for the Commonwealth s own reform efforts of which reli on an individual insurance mandate similar to the one at the heart of the ACA. Such assertions are premature.

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