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Our goal is to increase awareness of the complexities hind cluster identification and to provide concrete insights and methodologies applicable to various empirical settings. The organic cluster identification methodology we propose is especially useful when researchers work in global settings where data available at different geographic units complicates comparisons across countries.

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Paper Text Working Paper Publication Date Novemr Just How Independent are ‘Independent’ Directors by Michael Blanding A rule in China which mandates publicly trad company directors to explain their dissenting votes provides Tarun Khanna and Juan Ma Lebanon WhatsApp Number List with rich data looking into the inner workings of how board memrs interact. In theory a board of directors protects the rights of shareholders. Independent directors are suppos to  just that—independent—free to dissent from a decision of the majority. The reality is more complex. Directors are ti to one another by business and social connections and their havior often has as much to do with their relationships with one another as their concern for the company.

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Boards are populate by living

Breathing people who have their own interests and understanding the makeup of the board is very important says Tarun Khanna the Jorge Paulo Chile WhatsApp Numbers List Lemann Professor at Harvard Business School. how boards work but very little is known about the decisions and performance of individual directors. Boards are black boxes with debates going on hind clos doors that rarely spill out into public. It is next to impossible to know which board memrs are dissenting from the party line and which are following the majority.

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