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What is a content map what is it for and how to create one in your strategy?

A content map is a plan in which thet that will be shown to the buyer persona is strategically organized. This document specifies what type of consumer you are targeting. What they are interested in. And at what point in the purchasing cycle they are. Therefore, working on a  map will make it easier for you to plan and develop your  strategy . The idea is to be able to personalize all the information according to the phase of the customer journey you are in. In this way. The user is nourished progressively: from the first moment (in which he expresses his concern) to conversion. Closure and even loyalty.  map for? To better understand what a  map is. Let’s look at some of its uses

Impact the target customer appropriately

what-is-a-content, Increase the effectiveness of strategies With the content map you are clearer about. What you have to email leads offer and how. For example. the type of format (image Video or audio) most suitable for your Social Media strategy . In the same way. It helps you improve your SEO positioning strategy . Since you take into account the search intention of your users. You understand the needs of your users. And therefore. It will be easier for you to find the keywords they use. Thanks to your strategically selected You will attract quality traffic to your website or blog. On the other hand. By providing relevant you gain authority. Brand positioning. And the approval of your audience. Perfect ingredients to boost your Inbound Marketing strategy.

Key factors of map

what-is-a-content. Organize the  A  map allows you to visualize all the topics that you can cover depending on the Phone List Forum  phase of your user’s funnel. It will be a great source of ideas. And will help you detect possible gaps that you are not working on. In addition. You can easily see how to recycle your . In order to get the most out of it. Whether you already havet ready (published or to be published) or if you just want to know what information you should offer. Having a map will allow you to organize it better. The criteria used in the  maps (which we will see shortly) help you filter by relevance according to the level of the funnel in which the buyer persona is located. 4. Stay in control The map prevents the user from wandering.

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