Sean Silverthorne PUBLICATIONS AUGUST AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MANAG CARE The Impact of Electronic Health Record Use on Physician Productivity By Adler Milstein Julia and Rort S. Huckman ABSTRACT—Objectives To examine the impact of the degree of electronic health record EHR use and delegation of EHR tasks on clinician productivity in ambulatory settings.
The land distribution program
Lower landlessness but this was partly offset by targeting failures and induc increases in immigration. Publisher s link people.hbs mluca Papers on RIS Georgia WhatsApp Number List Land Reform.pdf pdf AUGUST PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE Evil Genius How Dishonesty Can Lead to Greater Creativity By Gino F. and S. Wiltermuth ABSTRACT—We propose that dishonest and creative havior have something in common they both involve breaking rules. cause of this shar feature creativity may lead to dishonesty as shown in prior work and dishonesty may lead to creativity the hypothesis we test in this research.
In five experiments participants
Had the opportunity to have dishonestly by overreporting their performance on various tasks. They then complet one or more tasks design to measure creativity. Those who cheat were subsequently more creative than noncheaters even when we account Vietnam Phone Number List for individual differences in their creative ability Experiment . Using random assignment we confirm that acting dishonestly leads to greater creativity in subsequent tasks Experiments and . is explain by a heighten feeling of ing unconstrain by rules as indicat by both miation Experiment and moderation Experiment.