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Radiant and Navi wonder

It had approximately startups and accrit investors. Since the site was launch almost startups on AngelList had en acquir and over startups had en fund. For most entrepreneurs posting a profile on AngelList had come as commonplace as setting up a personal profile on Facebook or LinkIn. Most recently the site add Invest Online a new product that in partnership with SecondMarket allow accrit investors to make small investments as low as in startups at the same terms as larger investors.

While the cofounders were proud

Of AngelList s growth as of June they were not charging for its use and had not yet determin its business model. if they should reconsider and have AngelList apply for broker dealer status so it could charge transaction fees but they were reluctant to Italy Telegram Number Data enter what they consider a regulatory minefield. The recently pass JOBS Act was expect to relax constraints around crowdfunding and Nivi and Ravikant knew that would  a logical extension for AngelList as well. Finally they wonder if they should avoid any potential regulatory issues altogether and instead focus on generating revenue primarily from recruiting and other ancillary services. Purchase this case  hbr product angellist an PDF ENG HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL CASE J.C.

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Penney s Fair and Square Strategy

As he gets ready to release nd quarter results Ron Johnson the new CEO of department store J.C. Penney is reconsidering the dramatic changes he Saudi Arabia WhatsApp Numbers List initiat for the business model and brand image of his company. A new pricing scheme he put in place in February dubd Fair and square was a central component of the new strategy. The scheme initially had three pricing tiers and eliminat typical sales promotions in an attempt to simplify the shopping experience for consumers thus moving.

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