Also there could wide variability in intent of press clippings word use in contextual search. Just cause someone writes a word and someone else writes the same word about the same subject does not mean it carries the same message. Finally I think the pressure to do CSR is driven largely from shareholders not the general populace. And in Tier suppliers the CSR suggestion often comes from the brand customer again not from general populace. ADJOA ACQUAAH HARRISON I know companies with genuine agendae on CSR.
They practice the Platinum
Rule by contributing value to the communities they operate in cause the communities ne the support to grow thrive and also nefit the companies in advertent ways. Just like a selfish person always seeks reward for doing something good for another I am Israel Phone Number List sure some companies also practice CSR with entitlements in mind. In that case why not draw a clear cut contract with the community and spell out mutual expectations Of course nobody gets far acting out of selfishness so if companies set out to do good hoping society owes them favors in bad times they might have themselves to blame. I lieve that companies should automatically participate in.
CSR cause it is a good faith reflection
That they are proud of the communities they operate in and committ to investing in its growth. Ultimately the human capital they will draw on to fill positions w ill the ucat workforce they help groom. The safety of the communities they work will Latvia Phone Number reflect on the quality of lives for all their employees and the health of the companies and their communities will all reflective of future prosperity. to take full responsibility for their haviors commitment to transparency and levels of social responsibility should decisions to just do the right thing by the communities in which they operate.