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The researchers hypothesis that

In fact  you could go years shelling out money for a service you aren t using. But on the day that  heaven forbid  your house does burn down  then you will definitely  glad you invest in insurance. But does CSR  insurance  really pay off when companies ne that goodwill from the public  In a recent working paper  No News Is Good News  CSR Strategy and Newspaper Coverage of Negative Firm Events.

Or Holzer Gee set out to test

The insurance hypothesis using the real world example of the largest oil companies in the Unit States. Along with Jiao Luo and Stephan Meier  both of Columbia Business School  Orholzer Gee collect data on several thousand oil and chemical spills  most Japan Phone Number List of them  thankfully  quite small  over a six year period from to . The researchers also collect newspaper reports over the same period to see how often companies receiv negative publicity for those spills  or whether  inde  they earn brownie points for their superior environmental record when the inevitable accidents occurr. To get a handle on where each company fell in its CSR initiatives  the researchers us stats from the corporate research firm KLD Research   Analytics  which rank companies on.

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Environmental Strength   including

Positive measures such as pollution prevention programs  recycling  and energy efficiency  and  Environmental Concern   which includes negatives Italy Phone Number such as regulatory fines and emissions of toxic chemicals. A Faulty Insurance Policy  those companies that had higher CSR ratings would  more likely to  report in the mia if a spill occurr. CSR scores garner more favorable coverage when spills were report—the researchers perform a textual analysis of the newspaper stories  mining the text with software that ranks the tone of the words us in a given story.

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