That people do not seemingly appreciate them

In a crisis irrespective of your track record you will struggle to find friends  you may  able to weather it tter if the perception of the Group is  ve  case in point Infosys weathering Phaneesh Murthy scandal and Tata weathering the Radia tape scandal. However Oil companies notorious for their profiteering and destruction of environment and of course.

BIG money rarely have that

A kind of good will to weather disaster storms. It is lobbying all the way. As you see  election funding and mia buying is the st source of Good will insurance any firm can buy and definitely not CSR. The purposes and nefits of CSR must  properly defin  here India can surely show the way to the world where it was not uncommon for Merchants and Kings to donate Belgium Phone Number List their entire wealth to their communities or  committ to causes throughout their lifetimes . Even in Modern India  Corporates like Birla and Tata have shown the way  how to build a formidable corporate Brand though consistent haviour . ROSS LEO CEO  CIRRUS INFORMATICS I readily see that there is no direct or robust link tween CSR and bottom line performance. If anything  CSR probably adds some element of cost  might even constrain revenues. That notwithstanding  I consider.

Phone Number List

CSR as a sign of integrity on

The part of people and organizations. Having integrity is not a shield against criticism  misund rstanding  or outright stupidity.  sufficiently is Malaysia Phone Number probably cause too many in business management and political office employ the principles of expience and minimalism extoll publicly through lipservice  only to  expos publicly at some point when touch choices must  made. As such  psychological callouses form. My perspective is that having and operating on principles is worth these risks. It is not personal ego  nor really a question of ing  good    it is about character  integrity  trustwothiness.

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