Key concepts include The adoption of supplier focused IT. I has an economically and statistically significant negative impact on the percentage of downstream within firm transfers. Somewhat surprisingly adoption of customer focused IT has no significant effect on the percentage of . Idownstream transfers. Adoption of supplier focused IT has the largest impact on within firm transfers when adopted in conjunction with customer focused IT.
Author Abstract We study the relationship
Between different margins of information technology . IIT use and vertical integration using plant level data from the U.S. Census of Manufactures. Focusing on the short run decision of whether to allocate production output to downstream plants within the same firm or . Ito external Italy Mobile Database customers we find that customer focused IT by itself has surprisingly little impact. In contrast adoption of. I upstream supplier focused IT at a plant is associated with a significant decline in downstream vertical integration. However the greatest decline in within firm transfers occurs when supplier and customer facing I. IT are adopted together suggesting the presence of complementarities in supply chain technology adoption.
These results are consistent
With the view that by reducing external coordination costs in . Iplant level vertical integration but only when those investments are made jointly with both suppliers and customers. Our results provide less support for the view that IT investments led to a decline in vertical integration by Chile Phone Number lowering transactions risks. Paper Information Collaborating Across Cultures by Michael Blanding Learning to collaborate creatively with people from other cultures is a vital skill in today s business environment says professor Roy Y.J. Chua whose research focuses on a key measure psychologists have dubbed cultural metacognition. Working on a million historical epic about the Tang Dynasty to be set in China Hollywood screenwriter David Franzoni struggled to make the story appeal to Western audiences.