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Tucker and colleagues examines the relationship

The Impact of Patent Wars on Firm Strategy Evidence from. I the Global Smartphone Market Yongwook Paik and Feng Zhu investigate the effect of escalat patent litigations on firm strategy. Increas Spe Equals Increas Wait The Impact of a Ruction in . I Emergency Department. mechanism the publication of patent applications. I  on facilitating transactions in the market for ideas.

Ultrasound Order Processing

Time This study of ultrasound test orders in hospital . I emergency departments shows that paradoxically increasing capacity in a service setting may not alleviate congestion and can actually increase it. Research by . I Jillian rry Jaeker Anita L. Tucker Peru WhatsApp Number List and Michael H. Lee. Applying Random Coefficient Models to Strategy Research . I Testing For Firm Heterogeneity Pricting Firm Specific Coefficients and Estimating Strategy Trade Offs Juan Alcácer and colleagues discuss how Random Coefficient Models RCMs can close the gap tween theoretical and empirical research in strategy.

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The Impact of Conformance and Experiential

Quality on Healthcare Cost and Clinical Performance This study by Anita L. tween a hospital s focus on both conformance and experiential dimensions of France WhatsApp Numbers List quality and their impact on financial and clinical outcomes. Imperfect Information Patent Publication and the Market for Ideas Hong Luo and a colleague study the effects of an important disclosure Standard Essential Patents Josh Lerner builds a framework for the analysis of standard essential patents and suggests a policy reform.

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