For blogs the key figure is one of the

The reason is that by choosing your blog posts strategically, you have the opportunity to engage the reader AND earn “passive” income without much work. This is done by writing one blog post where you use affiliate marketing. The content of the post itself helps and benefits the reader. For example, the product you recommend can solve an acute individual problem. Example You write about puppies and how puppies mess up shoes in the hallway. You can find a solution for dogs with a lemon collar, which can be bought inexpensively at Sophus. You have registered as a publisher in Tradedoubler and Sophus. You write a post, add a few affiliate links to the post and publish it.

When you write content that benefits

These are fine, but according to my experience, these are not of much interest to readers. Instead, it is more useful to add “More about the topic” or “Read more” links to the post. Try to write several posts on the same topic and then smoothly link them to each other. Read more: What is the special data difference between categories, tags, keywords and search terms? and helps the reader, you can provide them with a comprehensive package of information about the topic you are writing about. This makes the reader commit to you and your blog even more strongly and starts to distinguish you from other bloggers as an expert in your subject area. 3. Add the “Most Popular” or “Most Read” list to the right side of the blog This add-on is available in both Blogger and WordPress, but I wouldn’t necessarily use a ready-made plugin for this myself.

The benefit is that you get to sit in a

You can give tips on how the reader can give a representative picture of himself in a job interview, or what kind of clothing materials wrinkle the worst if you sit at a desk all day. Finding the benefits is challenging in the beginning. Timo and Jooma of the Coaching Academy sum it up like this: “Features – the thing itself Advantages – what the thing does Benefits – what benefit you get from Phone List Forum using the thing Air conditioning is a feature. The advantage is cooling the air inside the car.  cool car in the summer heat, even though the car windows are closed.” 2. Link to other posts within the blog Many bloggers use the “You might also like these” plugins at the bottom of the post.

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