Digital marketing is much more than Facebook

One of the effects of being in contact with so many different companies through mentoring is that I receive a lot . Therefore, of different input every week. It is something very enriching. The companies I work for in mentoring are usually in the initial stages and/or have limited experience with marketing and need help to give consistency to their business.  Model and define the best strategy for their specific case. In this context I find all kinds of beliefs related toTherefore, digital marketing and very similar patterns. And many of them have.  Been repeated over and over Therefore, again for years. The phrase that summarizes the topic could be:

How do we decide which digital channels are most suitable for my company?

One idea is clear so far: if we want to have good results, we must. Implement multichannel strategies. To decide the best media mix for my business, I must first analyze what its needs are. Besides sales , what other things does.  ,My company need to achieve its goals. Therefore, What other points in the purchasing decision process should our marketing strategy influence? The answers to these and many other questions can be: Visibility : We are not category email lis known enough among our audience. Reputation : our brand is not correctly positioned. Therefore, Product . Therefore, Our potential customers find it difficult to understand our value proposition.

To respond to each of these needs

Visibility problems : normally the easy answer is paid media, although there is always a second Phone List Forum side that tells us about the relevance of the message (and the solution to Therefore, this problem is not a greater investment). Bad or poor reputation (brand image): brand strategy, PR, influencers or content . Product poorly received by the market : redefinition of the value proposition, new functionalities, explanatory content and some of the tactics used to improve reputation. Insufficient distribution : Therefore, increase in digital sales channels , aggregators, agreements, offline presence,… High costs : content,Therefore, Google ads /SEO synergies , email marketing, affiliate marketing, social networks,… High competition : redefinition of our positioning, long tail ,…

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