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Microservice architecture Microservices

Architecture is an advanc approach to software development that addresses the limitations of monolithic and service-orient architectures. In a microservices architecture, an application is structur as a collection of small, independent services that are loosely coupl and can be devel, deploy, and sc independently. Each service typically has its own codebase, repository, and deployment pipeline, allowing for a high degree of flexibility and autonomy in the development process. One of the main benefits of a microservice architecture is improvscalability. Because each service can be sca independently, teams can better manage resources.  And costs by scaling only those services that require additional capacity.

Limited customization and control

Over the underlying infrastructure. Service Orient Architecture (SOA) Service Orien Architecture (SOA) is a design approach Belgium Email List that emphasizes loosely coup, reusable services that can be combin and organiz to fulfill specific business requirements. These services communicate using standard protocols and interfaces, making it easy for developers to create new applications by organizing existing services. Key Features of Service Orien Architecture (SOA) Weak connection. Services in SOA are designto minimize dependencies and allow easy integration with different systems.

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Reuse SOA encourages the development

Of reusable services that can be combin to create new applications or improve existing ones. Interoperability: Services in SOA use standard protocols and interfaces to communicate, enabling easy integration between different systems and technologies. Service Phone List Forum orchestration. In SOA, services are organiz through a central process that defines how different services interact to achieve a specific goal. Pros and Cons of Service Orien Architecture (SOA) Pros: Encourages the development of reusable services by ucing the effort requir to build and maintain complex applications. Provides greater flexibility in technology selection and integration with external systems. Isolates changes to a particular service, minimizing the impact of updates or modifications on other parts of the system. Minuses: Can be complex to develop and manage as it requires coordination across multiple services and systems.

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