It explores the role of entrepreneurial actors sometimes motivat by broad social and environmental agendas whose strategies to build viable business models prov crucially dependent on two exogenous factors the prices of alternative conventional fuels and public policy. Supportive public policies in various geographies facilitat.
The commercialization of photovoltaic
Technologies but they also encourag rent seeking and inefficiencies while policy shifts result in a regular boom and bust cycle. The perceiv long term potential of solar energy combin with the capital intensity and cyclical nature of the industry l to large electronics oil and engineering companies buying entrepreneurial firms in successive generations. of innovation and scale but they also found solar to an industry in which achieving a viable business model Canada Mobile Database prov a chimera whilst waves of creative destruction came the norm. Paper Information Full Working Paper Text pdf Reaching for Yield in the Bond Market by Bo cker and Victoria Ivashina Reaching for yield —investors propensity to buy high yield assets without regard for risk—has en identifi as one of the core factors contributing to the buildup of crit that prec the financial crisis.
Despite this potential importance
However the way in which reaching for yield works and where it occurs is not well understood. Professors Bo cker and Victoria Ivashina examine reaching for yield in the corporate bond market by looking among insurance companies the largest Algeria Phone Number institutional investor in this arena. Findings suggest that reaching for yield may limit the effectiveness of capital regulation to a time varying and unprictable extent. Reaching for yield may also allow regulat entities to come riskier than regulators and legislators intend and may impose distortions on the corporate crit supply.