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Yet little is known about

Examining the time allocation of CEOs of list firms in this sector the authors make several findings. First there is substantial variation in the numr of hours CEOs devote to work activities. Longer working hours are associat with higher firm productivity growth profitability and CEO pay. Second family CEOs record percent fewer working hours relative to professional CEOs.

The difference in hours work

Pronounc in low competition environments and does not seem to  explain by measurement error. Third estimates with respect to the cost of effort due to weather shocks and popular sport events suggest that family CEOs place a higher relative weight on leisure Romania WhatsApp Number List which could  due to either a wealth effect or job security. Overall the evidence highlights the importance of how corporate leaders allocate their managerial attention. Key concepts include Family CEOs work percent fewer hours that nonfamily CEOs i.e. professionals . The difference in hours work translates in a . percent productivity gap tween family and professional CEOs.

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Family CEOs are more responsive

To events that increase the cost of providing effort such as monsoon rains and cricket matches. havioral differences may help account for the performance differential tween family and nonfamily firms. Author Abstract CEOs affect the performance of the firms Guatemala WhatsApp Numbers List they manage and family CEOs seem to weaken it. what top executives actually do and whether it differs by firm ownership. We study CEOs in the Indian manufacturing sector where family ownership is widespread and the productivity dispersion across firms is substantial. Time use analysis of CEOs of list firms yields three sets of findings.

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