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In such cases  it s important

When they add up the scores  however  they found no difference in the tenor of the coverage for greener companies. Those companies with positive environmental records were criticiz just as heavily as those with negative records.  The idea that if you invest in CSR in the past  then people will think more highly of you in the case of an accident  this idea is not borne out in our data   concludes Orholzer Gee. In other words  at least when it comes to oil spills  the goodwill  insurance policies  weren t worth the paper they were written on.

Lessons Learn One lesson to take

Away from the findings is that managing mia coverage and a company s reputation with regard to CSR programs is not trivial.  A CSR positioning that says either you are already fantastic or you are trying to  fantastic is a risky position   says Orholzer Gee. Such Brazil Phone Number List claims raise the public s expectations and make the company a lightning rod for mia coverage in the case of an accident or some other negative event. Meanwhile  he says   those that make less extreme claims either are disregard by the press or have a far less likelihood of seeing their failings expos.  While that conclusion may seem cynical  Orholzer Gee does point out that there may  other perfectly legitimate reasons to engage in.

Phone Number List

CSR—perhaps consumers

Will pay a premium for specific sustainably produc products  or perhaps having an environmentally responsible image will help in recruiting top talent.  And of Jamaica Phone Number course   he emphasizes   there is also the idea that companies should try and  good cause they lieve it s the right thing to do for the environment or their community.  to realize that there are consequences.  Sometimes in my interactions with executives  they say   We meant really well and we were socially mind  and now we don t see any return or gratitude     says Orholzer Gee.

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