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Stages of the purchase path

Because as a company doing digital marketing. we want to help you identify the means of marketing competition specifically in a digital operating environment. To determine the means of competition in digital marketing. you ne. to have a deep understanding of 1) customer ne.s 2) competitors. strengths and weaknesses 3) your company.s own resources and capabilities. It is typical that you know your own lot best. so when determining your competitive advantage.

Epecially on identifying

You should focus customer ne.s. i.e. defining buyer personas. and how your own abilities relate to your competitors. strengths and weaknesses. Watch or listen to the podcast. Competitive advantage business email list and goals The cornerstones of building a marketing competitive advantage are a) creating buyer personas b) differentiation. Competitive means of marketing and defining them. start with the buyer persona Regardless of what kind of goals you have set for digital marketing. a deep understanding of customers is the most important prerequisite for achieving them.

Marketing should be built

Since all digital marketing should be built around the buying process of your company.s most important customers. we recommend starting with the buyer persona to Phone List Forum determine the competitive means of marketing. In short. buyer persona refers to a person representing your company.s target group. who has certain purchasing ne.s and criteria. How you define the buyer personas that are important to you has a significant impact on what kind of target group you attract as a customer of your company.

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